Tuesday, November 15, 2011

iPhone 4S

I just got one the other day. I now feel like a part of the bay area because everyone has one of these things out here. 7th quarter is going swell. We celebrate our halfwayness the other day because we are officially halfway there to becoming chiropractors. It was fun and I really like this phone

Monday, August 22, 2011

a look from the inside of outside lands. wait, what?

confused? excellent, that means i have lured you into reading this blog entry. at least thats what my 6th grade english teacher would have said. i stated in my previous blog (if you haven't read it yet then just scroll and read below) that i would be attending outside lands and now that it is over my promised blog has begun writing itself from the tips of my fingers. basically outside lands is this:

3 days of awesome music comprised of many different bands in golden gate park in san francisco.

it happens every year and so i have been twice now. last year i was lame and only went one day. this year i went all 3 days and it was fantastic. the main reason for this is that john fogerty was there. if you are unaware of who this is, please excuse yourself from reading this and listen to at least one and a half credence clearwater revival songs. you obviously have access to the google so give it a shot. ok, now that we are all up to speed you understand why he was so awesome. he hasn't lost any talent in his singing and his guitar work is still clean and edgy with a twist of melodic pop. there were plenty of other awesome bands too such as the decemberists, the shins, foster the people, deadmau5, phish, stone foxes, clap your hands say yeah, black keys, MGMT, arcade fire, and arctic monkeys. and no thats not everything but those are some of the bigger names. again, if you require further exploration, you know what to do. also, spotify is awesome.

spotify is a music program that allows unlimited free streaming. it also has a social aspect where you can recommend music to one another. essentially, its great for learning new tunes and reconnecting with those friends of yours that you always shared new bands with.

side-note ending now, lets move back to outside lands. yet another reason the bay area is a wonderful land of magic and smiles. music, art, food, and wine, outside lands has something to offer for everyone. they don't allow frisbees (safety issue) but it still allows for a great time. theres a lot of people there and quite a few people from palmer attend this event. i hope to attend next year if the lineup is as good as it has been this year and the previous. you should come to palmer if you don't already, so i have someone cool to go with to outside lands next year! hey amanda and nichelle i hope you like my blog! and if you don't then just tell me its great anyway.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

board reviews - the exclusively lowercase edition

so board reviews have started and i have attended pretty much all of them except for the anatomy one.  it is a bummer i know but i had already bought tickets to a 3 day concert which is titled, outside lands.  that's a whole other story but a fantastic one.  i will be sure to post about after i attend.  last year i went and i already want to talk about that one now, but i will have to leave it out of this post so that you have something to look forward to. speaking of looking forward, boards are coming up.  this is my first experience with a board exam, which means - you guessed it - i'm taking part 1's.  there are positive things about this test and i will list them for you now.  if you take the board review then you get to experience a class from the past with professors that you previously had.  (i went to a rap concert last night)  dr. waagen, dr cooperstein, dr courtney, and dr menon aka the justice league have formed an alliance in educating us eager board studiers.  it is great to see them all again and be exposed to their teaching styles.  it has been said that if their brains were all engulfed by one another to form one gigantic brain, the meaning of life would be discovered.  there would also probably be a very exciting party, involving various cured meats and fine scotches.  the dynamic of knowledge, abilities, and personalities between the justice league is so extreme that it covers all areas of the planet, including the ocean.  now that i have awoken a beast of curiosity and hope/fear in you i expect you know what to do.  take the board reviews every time they are offered.  even if you passed the boards, you will be bettering yourself and bettering the universe itself by taking them.  and you'll probably be a great chiropractor.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Barbeque Day

There is a day at Palmer West that holds a special plate in my heart, and that is barbeque day.  Just when you think you want something a little different from the cafeteria, a refreshing splash of flavor mixes up the usual routine.  Barbeque day features a variety of grilled meats such as ribs, steak, chicken, etc and an assortment of side dishes such as baked beans, potato salad, and corn on the cob.  The cafeteria chooses to celebrate the gift of grilling at the exact time it starts getting warmer out which only accentuates the awesomeness of this celebration.  Along with barbeque day there is also sushi day in which a sushi roller comes to our school.  This day is also quite nice, but barbeque day is definitely far superior.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Yoga, Rock and Roll, and Warmer Weather

I noticed that my fellow blogger Mike Bracchio has been commenting on my blogs.  Touche my friend and yes all of the comments he has made is true.  He does wish me luck on CCEP's and he is also my neighbor in North Park.  I just got back from yoga so I am extremely centered and have nourished my chi.  Either that or I'm dehydrated.  This is my second crack (chiropractic pun intended) at yoga because I got a groupon for a studio in Palo Alto.  I figure it is a good idea to try different exercise methods in order to communicate better with my patients.  I find that yoga is hard on the knees and so I would caution any patients with bad knees to go easy on some of the exercises.  Without trying yoga, I wouldn't have understood what actually happens in a studio.

Finally, we move to the topic of rock and roll.  My friends are in a band and are just finishing up a national tour.  They stayed at my apartment this past weekend and I went to a show of theirs in San Francisco and another in Oakland.  It was amazing to put it lightly.  I have never seen them, only heard their album, and the live experience was more enjoyable than I could have imagined.  I was glad to be able to offer them a place to sleep and food for their tummies.  If you are interested in checking them out, their name is delicate steve.  Just google them, they have a bunch of sites, music videos, and a pandora station.  Or you can just keep reading my blog.

Warmer weather.  I recently saw a stand up comedy routine that pointed out that when you have nothing to say to someone you are not very familiar with, then people will almost always talk about the weather.  True only to the point that I may not know who you are fellow blog reader, but I did have something to say.  If you don't believe me then just scroll up and read this blog over.

Regardless, the weather is really warming up out here.  Either that or it was really hot in that yoga room.

All the best,

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

the new quarter (the 5th edition) featuring footnotes!

I just started 5th quarter yesterday and I have to admit I'm pretty excited to have been a student of Palmer West for a full year.  I can't believe that 365 days have passed.  The weather is warming up again and the rainy season of San Jose is over*.  We now have a class room with a window so that we are able to see all the happy people of San Jose go about their day while we learn how to treat them chiropractically from inside the doors of Palmer.  That's a word that I learned last quarter - chiropractically.  I don't know if it's an official word, but a lot of people use it and I therefore deem it's appearance in this blog justifiable.  I enjoy the humor of both Dr. Brown and Dr. Cooperstein on Monday and Tuesday mornings and look forward to hearing more from their point of view as the quarter passes.  They are both quite different in humor and I see that variety as something I am going to enjoy.  If you are interested, Rachel is still in that super awesome new office and I think she even hung up some new stuff on the walls.  It looks pretty fancy.  In other news, the construction is finally done on my apartment.  What's that you ask?  Why did I need construction done?  To prevent water damage of course!  Apparently North Park Apartments has to do routine work on these buildings so as to prevent them from turning to mush.  That being said, I dealt with some noise from the workers but after the whole process North Park was understanding and gave me a decrease in rent.  That was nice.  I still condone living in North Park.  Over break, I wasn't sure who was here still and hadn't gone home to their mum's and dad's.  Thankfully I got the courage to embark down to the Sycamores Pool** only to find a bunch of people from class that I wouldn't normally hang out with!  I got new phone numbers and new friends to beat in NHL Arcade***.  Well, that looks like that's it for now.

*the rainy season is during the winter months.  out in san jose it will rain for consecutive days at a time and more than likely be on and off rather than a constant downpour.

**a really nice pool area in North Park with grills, cabanas, hot tubs, with a high concentration of Palmer students

***a downloadable Playstation 3 game that's only 10 bucks.  It's really fun to play and I'm dangerously ferocious at it.

Monday, March 14, 2011

1 year down and to more 2 go.

so it turns out i've been here for almost a year now.  the time has flown by extremely fast and soon enough we will be done with finals and on a break before we start next quarter.  i have to say that since i have begun going to school here that i have come to like palmer more than when i originally applied.  the professors i've had and the opportunity i have had to hone in on my chiropractic technique skills has been beyond what i expected.  i really feel as though i am a year experienced in chiropractic and look forward to refining my chiropractic skills and expanding my knowledge to become a better chiropractor.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Skateboarding is a good idea.

I just got a long board from a fellow blogger, Jessi Wright.  She gave me her old skate deck and wheels; all I had to do was buy new trucks.  Palmer doesn't have dorms on the west campus, but it is fortunately located directly next to an apartment complex called North Park.  I've been living in North Park pretty much since I started going to school out here.  To put it lightly, North Park apartments is jawesome.  They have a 10 swimming pools, mad hot tubs, an indoor basketball court, 5 gym/workout rooms, and 30-some gas barbeque grills all hooked up to the community's gas line.  There are a lot of people from school that live here, which strengthens our school's student body relations.  It is also cool to skateboard to class instead of drive.  I don't have a car out here, and I get along perfectly fine.  There's a light rail station right next to Palmer and North Park, and all of my friend's have cars so I can always hitch a ride with them in exchange for hugs or home made spaghetti.  That's all for now.  Good luck to the 5th quarter students who have CCEP's tomorrow!  ...more to come - an explanation of CCEP's...stay tuned....

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rachel Awbry

Rachel Awbry is the student services officer at our school.  She just got a new office with an awesome window so she can view the beautiful San Jose weather from her desk.  The best part about Palmer is that every administrator knows who you are because we are such a small school.  As a matter of fact, it is easy to be friends with administrators on facebook, which only further strengthens the relationship between students and faculty.  Rachel is in charge of the bloggers, so technically she is my boss.  However, she is a nice boss because she maintains a healthy boutique of candy on her desk, which is an indication to me that she cares.  We are all very lucky to have her and the candy she provides so I would like to blog a congratulations to her and her brand spankin' new office!  Come visit and check it out!  The window is unreal.

fourth quarter...

...is AWESOME.  I really enjoy having Dr. Waagan again.  He is a professor at our school that embarked on the first recorded randomized clinical trial for chiropractic research.  He also happens to be the man.  At Palmer, Dr. Waagan teaches students for only two quarters.  For first quarter, you are still antiquating yourself to the school and of course becoming comfortable with professors.  After developing this relationship with Dr. Waagan first quarter, fourth quarter allows students to get to know him even better.  Aside from Dr. Waagan, fourth quarter is exciting because we students begin to receive credits for adjusting.  We are also beginning to look at X-ray film and translating our anatomy knowledge to a new medium.  The lab is very interesting.  Come to Palmer and hang out in the library with me so we can look at X-rays!