Wednesday, January 26, 2011

fourth quarter... AWESOME.  I really enjoy having Dr. Waagan again.  He is a professor at our school that embarked on the first recorded randomized clinical trial for chiropractic research.  He also happens to be the man.  At Palmer, Dr. Waagan teaches students for only two quarters.  For first quarter, you are still antiquating yourself to the school and of course becoming comfortable with professors.  After developing this relationship with Dr. Waagan first quarter, fourth quarter allows students to get to know him even better.  Aside from Dr. Waagan, fourth quarter is exciting because we students begin to receive credits for adjusting.  We are also beginning to look at X-ray film and translating our anatomy knowledge to a new medium.  The lab is very interesting.  Come to Palmer and hang out in the library with me so we can look at X-rays!

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